24*7 Onleihe. Mixing a Modern Jazz Track


Mixing a Modern Jazz Track

Mixing a Modern Jazz Track

Person: Darlington, Dave

Year: 2014


What makes a great modern jazz track? An award-winning producer like Dave Darlington helps. Here he demonstrates the mixing techniques he uses in his own studio to transform raw audio tracks into a polished master. In just seven movies, Dave shows you how to focus on instruments (like guitar, keyboards, and sax) instead of vocals in a jazz session; develop a clear drum sound; use bass to drive the bottom end; and master the final track, creating multiple versions for the artists, management, and the label in a single step. This course features the song "Footprints" by Andy Galore. Find out more about Andy's music at andygalore.com.

Title: Mixing a Modern Jazz Track

Person: Darlington, Dave

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

1681 Copies
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Loan period: 180 days