24*7 Onleihe. Kids Photography: Retouching with Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop


Kids Photography: Retouching with Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop

Kids Photography: Retouching with Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop

Person: Thornes, Erika

Year: 2017


Photographing kids comes with a unique set of challenges. The best portrait of a kid might be a quirky shot of a kid with a funny expression-not usually what you're looking for in adult portraiture. When it comes to retouching, you're more likely to be cleaning up a runny nose than softening wrinkles. In this course, photographer Erika Thornes shows how to review a kid photo shoot to find the best shot of the bunch. Then, she dives into Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop and details a variety of retouching challenges and solutions-including cleaning up that messy nose.

Title: Kids Photography: Retouching with Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop

Person: Thornes, Erika

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

1683 Copies
1683 Available
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Loan period: 180 days