24*7 Onleihe. SharePoint Online Essential Training: The Basics


SharePoint Online Essential Training: The Basics

SharePoint Online Essential Training: The Basics

Person: Courter, Gini von

Year: 2020


SharePoint Online is a powerful collaboration platform that leverages the power of the cloud. With one tool, you can create, save, share, and sync documents in real time. Learn how to best use SharePoint Online for business collaboration and document management in this training course with Gini von Courter. Gini takes you on a tour of the interface, including SharePoint sites. She shows how to create, edit, and save documents; work with libraries and list apps; and integrate SharePoint with other Microsoft 365 apps. Plus, learn how to take SharePoint on the go with SharePoint Online on your mobile device.

Title: SharePoint Online Essential Training: The Basics

Person: Courter, Gini von

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

735 Copies
735 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 180 days