The Healing
One Woman's Journey from Poverty to Inner Riches
autor: Hafiz, Saeeda
año: 2018
idioma: Englisch
tamaño: 296 p.
- Saeeda Hafiz is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia. She spent her twenties working in management, believing mainstream success was her key out. After discovering the power of yoga to transform, she took a leap of faith to train to become a yoga teacher and wellness expert. She studied yoga at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers and Ashrams and holistic nutrition at Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City and keeps a busy schedule as a yoga teacher and speaker. For the past twenty years she has held leadership positions in the YMCA, the San Francisco Unified School District, and other organizations to bring a more holistic understanding of physical and mental wellness to a diverse population.
Información de título
título: The Healing
autor: Hafiz, Saeeda
editorial: Random House Digital Dist
ISBN: 9781946764058
categoría: Literatura & entretenimiento, Biografías & memorias, Cartas & diários
formato: ePub
plazo del préstamo: 21 dias