Serious Double Acts curated by Lewis&Schmidt
autor: Schmidt, Andreas
serie: The End(s) of the library
año: 2013
idioma: Englisch
tamaño: 66 p.
- contenido:
- The artist's book was published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Serious Double Acts, curated by Lewis&Schmidt' at Marcus Campbell Artbooks, London 2013 and explores the very nature of books and magazines. The premise of this exhibition rests upon the assumption that 'fun' and 'having fun together' is an important part of the creative, and by extension, curating process. The contradiction contained within the title of this show hints at the oxymoronic relationship between a playful and spontaneous methodology, embracing chance encounters and random associations, and a desire to achieve deep and meaningful results. In the same way that one might browse the shelves of a bookshop in search of a certain title but ultimately settle upon a completely different one, Jonathan Lewis and Andreas Schmidt embarked upon the curation of this show with a plan in mind but they carried it lightly, remaining consciously open to change. Their intention was to pair up specific books by each of the 16 members of the ABC Artists' Books Cooperative to which they belong, with books found on the premises of Marcus Campbell Art Books, but the distractions of the environment in which they 'performed' this selection led to many fruitful substitutions.
Información de título
título: Serious Double Acts curated by Lewis&Schmidt
serie: The End(s) of the library
autor: Schmidt, Andreas
editorial: ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH
ISBN: 9783956083471
palabra clave: Komik
categoría: Materiales de no ficción & auto-ayuda, Arte, cultura & medios de comunicación, Fotografía
tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
formato: PDF
plazo del préstamo: 14 dias