die Onleihe des Goethe-Instituts in Ostasien. Agnes




著者(作者): Stamm, Peter

年: 2016

言語: Englisch

容量: 176 ページ


Peter Stamm is the author of the novels All Days Are Night, Seven Years, On a Day Like This, and Unformed Landscape, and the short-story collections We're Flying and In Strange Gardens and Other Stories. His prize-winning books have been translated into more than thirty languages. For his entire body of work and his accomplishments in fiction, he was short-listed for the Man Booker International Prize in 2013, and in 2014 he won the prestigious Friedrich Hölderlin Prize. He lives in Switzerland.   Michael Hofmann has translated the work of Gottfried Benn, Hans Fallada, Franz Kafka, Joseph Roth, and many others. In 2012 he was awarded the Thornton Wilder Prize for Translation by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His Selected Poems was published in 2009, and Where Have You Been? Selected Essays in 2014. He lives in Florida and London.

タイトル: Agnes

著者(作者): Stamm, Peter

翻訳者: Hofmann, Michael ; Cullen, John ; Cullen, John

出版社: Random House Digital Dist

ISBN: 9781590518120

カテゴリー: 大衆文学&娯楽, 小説&説話

フォーマット: ePub

2 作品
1 使用可能
0 予約

貸出期間: 14 日間