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Brontë, Emily - The Prisoner

Emily Brontë (1818-1849) was one of the three famed Brontë sisters. Her probably most famous work is ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Chislett, Anne - Flippin' In

Anne Chislett (*1942) is a Canadian author and screenwriter. After graduating from the University of ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Barack Obama's Victory Speech on the 5th of November, 2008

Arbeitsblätter zur Redeanalyse

In the speech after his phenomenal victory on the 5th of November 2008 Barack Obama focuses again on ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Rhue, Morton - The Wave (Continuous Interpretation)

The Wave is based on a true incident at an American High School. History teacher Ben Ross wants to s ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Brautigan, Richard - I was trying to describe you to someone

Richard Brautigan (1935-1984) was an American writer who is often regarded as a major representative ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Rhue, Morton - The Wave (The development of The Wave)


The Wave is based on a true incident at an American High School. History teacher Ben Ross wants to s ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Aldous Huxley - Brave New World - Exercises and sample answers


Exercises and sample answers. Inhalt: In what way are science and art related to each other?, How do ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Rhue, Morton - The Wave (Characterisations)

Charakterisierung der wichtigsten Figuren


The Wave is based on a true incident at an American High School. History teacher Ben Ross tries to s ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 25th, 2008

Arbeitsblätter zur Redeanalyse

This is the only speech Barack Obama held in Europe during his election campaign as candidate for Pr ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Achebe, Chinua - Dead Men's Path (shortstory)

Chinua Achebe was born in 1930 and is one of the best-known contemporary African writers. In his wor ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Elections in the USA (Englischsprachiges Material)

perfekter Einstieg in ein Referat

Die Reihe 'Ganz einfach erklärt' stellt Phänomene so dar, dass sie leicht verstanden werden können.  ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes - Continuous interpretation


The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes (Characterisations)

Charakterisierung der wichtigsten Figuren


The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes - The curse


The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes - Style of the narration


The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes - Life at the camp

The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Hornby, Nick - High Fidelity (Excerpt)


The excerpt is taken from the novel High Fidelity by Nick Hornby (1995). The novel is about Rob Flem ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Sachar, Louis - Holes - Green Lake as the connection of the different stories

The book deals with Stanley Yelnats who solves the curse put on his familiy more than a hundred year ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Auster, Paul - Moon Palace - Abiturwissen


Paul Benjamin Auster (*1947) is an American author and producer. Until 1970 Auster studied English a ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014


Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451

einführende Informationen & Interpretation

Ray Bradbury (*1920 in Illinois, USA) is an author and screenwriter. He mainly focuses on the genres ...

Im Bestand seit: 25.04.2014

Voraussichtlich verfügbar ab: 27.03.2025