Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe - die Onleihe. Speaking Up At Work


Speaking Up At Work

Speaking Up At Work

Person: Chen, Jessica

Year: 2020


Want to ensure that your best ideas are heard by the right people in your organization? Improve your ability to speak up at work. In this course, join communications and media expert Jessica Chen as she uncovers the common mental barriers that keep professionals from speaking up at work, as well as the steps you can take to actively build your authority. Jessica discusses how your childhood, cultural, and work experiences may have shaped your perception of good communication. She goes over how to ask the right questions and effectively tailor your message to suit your audience. Plus, she shares tips for showcasing your confidence, whether you're speaking to people on video or in person.

Title: Speaking Up At Work

Person: Chen, Jessica

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

970 Copies
970 Available
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Loan period: 180 days