English for Business
100 zips for effective communication
Person: McMaster, Ian; Dignen, Bob
Year: 2016
Language: English
Scope: 132 p.
- Contents:
- Englisch ist die Sprache der internationalen Geschäftswelt. Für alle, die Business Englisch benötigen, steht die effektive Kommunikation im Vordergrund. Dieses E-Book beinhaltet in 10 Kapiteln wertvolle Tipps, die jeder im Job sofort anwenden kann. Die Bandbreite reicht von Telefonieren auf Englisch über Meetings bis hin zu Socialising und Networking. English is the language of international business. But many people who use the language - both native and non-native speakers - are not very effective communicators. In this book, we provide ten tips for each of ten key business communication skills, including listening, speaking, telephoning, taking part in meetings and building your business network.
Bob Dignen is a director of the training organization York Associates in York, England and author of many business English books.
Title Information
Title: English for Business
Person: McMaster, Ian; Dignen, Bob
Publisher : Spotlight Verlag
ISBN: 9783981425536
Category: Non-Fiction & Guidebooks, Languages, Single Languages, English
File size: 559 KB
Format: ePub
Loan period: 21 days
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